Upcoming symposia: Spotlighting key topics in multiple myeloma and GvHD

Upcoming symposia: Spotlighting key topics in multiple myeloma and GvHD

SES is excited to be collaborating with our Multiple Myeloma Hub and GvHD Hub expert steering committees to bring healthcare professionals (HCPs) two educational symposia in November:  

  1. Holistic pain management in multiple myeloma; November 2022 (date TBC) 
  2. The role of ECP in the management of GvHD; November 2022 (date TBC) 

The symposia will be chaired by María-Victoria Mateos (University Hospital of Salamanca, Spain), co-chair of the Multiple Myeloma Hub, and Mohamad Mohty (Hôpital Saint-Antoine and Sorbonne University, France), chair of the GvHD Hub, respectively. The chairs will be accompanied by faculties of world-renowned professionals, selected for their extensive knowledge and experience in each field, who will share their specialist expertise with attending HCPs. 

Based on robust needs assessments to identify the key educational and practice gaps facing each therapy area, the symposia will be designed to address specific learning objectives with a view to improve knowledge and competence among attendees and, ultimately, patient outcomes. Our in-house team of experts in science communication, adult learning theory, independent medical education, HCP engagement, and digital innovation collaborate directly with the faculty in the months preceding the symposia to ensure each symposium’s content is clinically relevant, engaging, accessible, impactful, and reaches the target audience. As part of this, we will maximize interactive technology to design engaging education built to optimize outcomes (Figure 1). 

Figure 1. Symposia elements to build education that will optimize outcomes 

The symposia will be hosted as live, virtual events, and edited recordings will be uploaded as enduring content on our hubs to maximize educational reach. For each live event, an application for accreditation will be made to the European Board for Accreditation of Continuing Education for Health Professionals (EBAC®) to ensure fair balance. EBAC awards HCPs with CME points as a sign of quality and independence for participation in educational activities. Both European and US HCPs can benefit from these points as EBAC offer a reciprocal credit with the American Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME).  

Earning CME credits is a requirement for many HCPs to maintain their licensure and certification, membership of professional societies, and other professional privileges. Attending one of the upcoming accredited CME symposia from SES provides HCPs with opportunities to earn such credits in addition to several further benefits:  

  • Focused education designed to address genuine professional practice gaps 
  • Direct interaction with world-renowned experts in the field 
  • Provision of new ideas and approaches 
  • Explanations of new or modified guidelines and regulations 
  • Practical recommendations  
  • Patient insights and opportunities to practice real clinical decision-making  
  • Convenience—virtual attendance allows HCPs to easily integrate attendance into their working day 
  • Genuine, impactful education designed to measurably improve outcomes 

Each symposium will be supported by an arms-length grant from the pharmaceutical industry; funders are allowed no influence on the content of the activities. The symposia are intended to enable positive clinical practice change in the field, improving patient care. Measuring the effectiveness of our education is a key step in the design of our educational programs; our outcomes feed back into our needs assessment process, and this ensures that we are continually optimizing our education. This approach enables us to consistently provide effective education, in areas where it is needed, to improve patient outcomes.   

Watch this space for more information on our 2022 symposia and further upcoming CME events scheduled for 2023.