10 Years of Lymphoma Hub

10 Years of Lymphoma Hub

Founded in 2014, in partnership with the European Lymphoma Institute (ELI), The Lymphoma Hub will be recognizing a milestone birthday this year as we embark on our 10th year of educational activity.  

Created with the vision of providing every treatment team and researcher instant access to expert opinions and the latest evidence-based information in lymphoma and CLL—aiding treatment decisions and, ultimately, improving the lives of patients with lymphoma globally. 

Join us for this birthday year as we reflect on the advancements in lymphoma and CLL over the lifespan of the hub and look ahead to what is to come. Bringing together the whole Lymphoma Hub family, we will hear from our dedicated steering committee, frontline physicians, representatives from our professional partners, and most importantly from our patients and carers.  

For more information about how you can get involved please contact lymphomahub@scientificeducationsupport.com and be sure to sign up to the newsletter, linkedin, and X activity to stay up to date with the platform’s activities.  

To stay up to date with the latest activities please sign up to the Lymphoma & CLL Newsletter